I can describe apartment hunting in 3 words: I hate it! no seriously I really do. Maybe its because I am lazy and really don't want to put the effort of going to numerous places and having to pack and unpack. Went to see a place today that I hated but my bf liked, well he liked the area not so much the apartment. The apartment just wasn't for me, an apartment is suppose to sell u on immediate impact. My first impressions was HELL NO! so the apartment hunting continues. As the move out date gets closer, I'm starting to realize I am going to miss over here. I've lived in this apartment for 30 months and I've gotten use to certain things and places. Brandon can't wait to move and he is all excited, wish that was my mindset but its not so what can you do.
Even though we're in the early stages of planning I can't wait to go to Istanbul in a couple of months. Which brings me to my new dilemma. I need to stop wasting money on unnecessary things. I follow a set budget when it comes to my bills its the other stuff that's my problem. Two weeks ago I tried to only spend $125 for 2 weeks (already went food shopping), after one day I was down to about $60. But the Indian dinner I went to with a friend was slamming lol. I really need to get it together, for this upcoming trip I've set a stricter budget that I need to start following and hopefully I will be able to do such. Its hard to not spend money in a city where everything fun cost money. I need to either cut back on spending or get a job that pays more, since finding a job these days is hard I will be cutting back on spending. I already know one thing that will have to go: Fresh Direct :-(. I love that place because I'm lazy (see paragraph above) and that place is a lazy person's dream. Doing your food shopping online and having it delivered is so simple and easy but of course things are a bit more expensive than they would be if I went to the supermarket. I placed my last order today and then me and fresh direct will end our beautiful relationship. I'm going to have to find other things to cut, which wont be fun but will pay off in the end.