Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Murder, cops and lawyers. My book review

I'll start it off by saying I LOVE the Kindle app on my tablet. I am so happy a friend of mine gave me a website and it's really helped me save money since I love to read. Now since I am not paying for the books I can take a chance on certain books. I'm also reading way more than before. Since last week I have read 2 books and I just started another yesterday. I decided since I am reading like crazy I should write a review of what I thought of each so here it goes:

"Kill Alex Cross" by James Patterson - As soon as this book came out I was on Amazon to purchase it. In my opinion Patterson's Alex Cross series is his best series. Anyway let's get to the book, I felt that the title was a bit misleading, scratch that I thought the book should have been named something else entirely. The title suggests that someone would be out to kill Alex and that is barely the case. The section where someone is trying to kill Alex is less than 4 pages (maybe more or less but you get the idea). I read the book in two days but I didn't think this book kept me intrigued and on the edge of my seat like some of his other Alex Cross books have done in the past. The plot was interesting, the President's two kids are kidnapped and Alex is on the case to find out who took them. I also like that while this kidnapping is going on terrorist are plotting and killing political figures. I hope Patterson's next Alex Cross book is a lot better. On a scale from 1-10, I give this book a 7.

"Split Second" by Catherine Coulter - Thanks to my friend I was able to start this book right after finishing James Patterson's book. I don't go in with high hopes for her book because they pretty much following the same format. Guy meets girl and somehow they fall in love at the end of the book which is nice but um how many people can fall in love in less than 2 weeks, ALL THE TIME. I think I read her books because i love series books because I can get to know the characters and I like Sherlock and Savich (the main characters) but i hate the predictability of all the stories. I should also say that I have read every single book in this FBI series so maybe I like it more than I care to admit, who knows. I did like the manhunt for the serial killer and how the serial killer is connected to another infamous serial killer. The other story going on in the book is about Lucy Carlye and her family mess. This was a part of the book that I found boring and just not that interesting. I find that the author sometimes mixes in paranormal element that feels out of place with the rest of the story and just doesn't seem that thought out and takes the book away from being a suspense/mystery book. I didn't love the book but I also didnt hate it, so on a scale from 1-10, I give this a 5.

"The Litigators" by John Grisham - This is a book I would not normally read, and I only say that because I prefer to stick to series and this is a legal thriller so its not really in my genre. I went on to try to find more books for me to read and stumbled upon this. My tablet tells me I'm 13% done with the book and so far its been really slow. I tend to like books that get into the drama fairly quick, so far nothing. I've heard Grisham books are really good but I've already told myself if I get to 20% and still nothing I'm going to stop reading it and come back to it later. Since I am still reading it my score is pending.

That's it for now, I have about 13 more books in my kindle that I haven't read yet so I'll maybe make this my thing now to write my opinions on the books I am reading. I am really looking forward to Vince Flynn new book, Love the Mitch Rapp series. Until next time...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Is life all about the money grab...

Someone once told me " money isn't everything". For some that statement is true but when it comes to me that is far from the truth. At the end of the day, money drives me. I just got promoted a couple of months ago and although the raise was a nice increase, the joy of that has faded and I'm already on to saying you know what I need to make more money. Maybe I'm crazy or just not grateful, all those things I can admit but at the end of the day money drives me career wise. At the same time I wanted to find a job i enjoy but one that pays well, instead of just a job I loved. I know there are people that have jobs that its not about the money. For instance, the other day I saw someone I use to work with at a non-for-profit, she was just as happy as can be at 8 a clock in the morning. Which made me remember a lot of them were so happy coming into work and I always thought that the majority of them were on drugs because I didnt understand how anyone could be that happy coming to work for the shitty wages they paid. But maybe money isnt everything for them and helping out the community held more value. A part of me wishes I was one of those people but sadly I am not. My bf always tells me I am one of those people that no matter how much money I make I will always want more. It's a double edge sword because I am never satisfied but I am always motivated to better myself.

When I was growing up I always told myself that I didn't want to be my mother. She busted her ass working jobs that she didn't like or enjoy to make sure me and my sister had what we needed. I watched her struggle and told myself that will never be me. I know I am not struggling but I'm not where I think I need to be and that is why I always strive for more. I hope sometime in the future I will be content, but until then its all about striving to do better.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011...a new year

Another year in the bank now time to see what 2011 has in store for me.

Starting next Sunday I will be training with a personal trainer once a week. Last year I said I was going to be focused on my weight lost and I was for 8 months and I fell off. At my lowest I lost 20 lbs but after falling off the wagon the end total for the year was 10 lbs. I could be down on myself for not losing more but I think it was still an accomplishment for me to lose anything. I feel that I have made diet decisions that I was able to keep the whole year, one being no soda and no fast food (unless you consider Chinese fast food lol). I think by having a personal trainer on my ass I will be able to really reach my goals of being more healthy and more fit. I need to get back into my habit of going to the gym 3x a week like I was doing before. Hopefully this can keep me truly focused and by next year I can lose more than 10 lbs when its all said and done.

My 3 year anniversary is coming up this month and it's truly crazy how time flies. We have our days when we really can't stand each other but we work. I never been one of those people that romanticize my relationship. We are far from perfect and we go through the normal ups and downs as every relationship. I really couldn't think of my life without him in it, I'm use to waking up in the morning and seeing him and I'm even use to arguing with him. I love that man to death. Cheesy sappy moment is over lol.

Now that I got this job with the city I've been thinking about where I want my life to be in the next 5 years career wise. I think I need to keep striving to achieve and do better. I have my career goals all sorted out now it's a matter of actually achieving those goals. I think I can do it but its going to take hard work and dedication.

Well, that's all I have for the moment. Hope 2011 is a great year for you and yours :-)